Saturday 8 September 2007

Tilt-Shift Photography (making reality into a toy town)

I read an article earlier from today’s Telegraph Magazine called “Postcards from Toytown”. The subject of this was the 29 year old Tokio artist Naoki Honjo and the way that he uses the technique ‘Tilt-Shift photography’ to create almost fake looking images from everyday scenes. The article quotes the artist as saying “It’s nothing special in terms of technique, its just a way of controlling the focus” I had never heard of this term before but I have since looked it up on the internet and found that it is not an uncommon or new thing. From what I can gather it requires the image sensor to be moved from the normal right angle with the lens, this alters the perspective and focus of the image, hence creating a toytown effect out of everyday life.

The effect is really unusual, you find yourself studying the images really closely to try and work out if the seemingly lego world your seeing could actually be real. Here are a few scans out of the article, I find this fascinating, I don’t think I have ever fully appreciated the number of different things that can be achieved with a camera and without photoshop.

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