Thursday 18 October 2007

A General Theory of Love Cover - Great Design

Since I first saw this book cover by John Gall, it has been one of my favorites. Its one of those designs that when you see it done you realize what an obvious yet striking an idea it is. The book explores the psychology of love, this clever photograph manages to tell you all of that instantly. The thing that I like the most is that the title itself could be visualized in many different ways, however the design shows you that bit more about the book (for example it hints that this is a non fiction study and not a novel). It is these sort of designs that really inspire me as they show that the person creating them has really understood the point of the book and is trying to communicate this to the audience. I would like to research this area and other designs like this in preparation for my independent project after Christmas.

1 comment:

pwilson said...

great cover: what do you think the photograph is actually saying? whats your take on what the chairs are doing? what else could they do?

does finding this cover take your idea for the project in a slightly different direction: away from purely fiction and into non-fiction?

are there any publishers whose covers seem to always work (for you)?