Monday 28 May 2007

Hotel Marques de Riscal by Frank Gehry

I came across this building earlier, it's so innovative and daring, I can't help but like it. This is the flagship building of the Marques de Riscal vinyard in Rioja which is one of the oldest in the area. At first I thought that it was too unsympathetic for it's surroundings, however the more I look at it the more It grows on me. It was commissioned to provide visitors with a unique experience and there is no disputing that this building would do that.

Wine like many other premium products, often need something to place the brand name in peoples mind. This hotel obviously targets the design-conscious customers and uses its gift wrapped appearance to promote the wines name. Yes given the area that it is in it does look out of place, but thats the thing I have grown to like most about it, it almost implies that something new and great can come from anywhere. If I were to look out of my window and see it everyday it may get a bit tiring, however, for the hotel's visitors I imagine it is amazing. There is an obvious attention to detail in every element, for example the pink titanium on the outside or the coridoor;

or the hotel lobby:

I would be interested to see what other people think of this building, as I said, it really is growing on me.


Anonymous said...

I really like the outside shots. To me it makes me feel like they are sheets in mid flight, travelling along as if you could just take a ride along with them. From what I can see of the landscape, which looks fairly open, I imagine this kind of wind carried look would work well. I agree with what you said though that this could be the kind of thing that may become tiresome, but as you said for a hotel visitor, which the viewer would be, its great.

Holly Mee said...

The hotel seems surreal, cant imagine it, but funny how its so calm and modern inside, but to be fair it would need to be otherwise i dont think there would be many guests staying if the inside was as wacky as the outside. Very good topic for conversation and designing and constructing the art around the buildings must have been an interesting one.