Saturday 2 June 2007

Alnwick Castle Gardens

I visited these while on holiday recently, we weren't expecting all that much and one of the only reasons that we went was as I had heard it was an impressive castle.

I was actually really taken with the whole grounds. In a similar way to the architecture of Frank Ghery , every aspect had been thought through and designed, from the fountains that the kids could play in to this rock that I came across which had been engraved with the quote by Malcolm Muggeridge.

Another thing that struck me was that Water is often a very overlooked medium in design. We normally would consider using any number of digital shapes or light sculptures when trying to be innovative, but I think with regards to event or exhibition design water sculptures still have a large amount of potential.

The final part of the grounds that I was really impressed with is the Tree house there that has been designed by Napper Architects and constructed between 2004-2005. This really was amazing to see, its the kind of structure that you can't really appreciate from photos alone. It was a tree house containing at least one cafe, several shops and areas for people to explore themselves. Its the kind of thing that makes you think that you are a child again as the scale of it is so impressive. I would like to explore this type of architecture in future.


Holly Mee said...

pics all look nice, really good quote on the rock, saw it recently in leeds on a board outside a church in Headingley. Very true about water, but when used properly can be very effective to create a visual. Also that treehouse sounds immense.

MDelin said...

All I can think of is how little I know of the wonders of Britain, thank you for sharing this!